
UGG Sale Poverty alleviation officials suspected of taking bribes checked the computer and found a l

actually constituted cooperative bribery

. But Kun know, my friend long to the field work, and how this may be transformed into a teacher training school?


then, police officers were also in the employment rate table found in the problem. tuition.

migrant workers for profit shortened course

files do have a bunch of little yellow map

clues more training accident investigation uncovered the dark big problem

search Tan climb toward the office, so Kun memories. office search. Entered the office, you feel a word: chaos. A variety of documents piled all over the place, there are some files on the volume of gray are very thick. Engaged in office work people should know that documents and materials every day should be a timely manner.

early as 2004, the country has such a livelihood, was in the columns is showed this project to do a regular school. However, Wang Biao, but through the school's principal, Tan found responsible for this project toward the climb, and reached the three sub-state for the poor to pay tuition fees of migrant workers consensus.

Tan climbing toward a new case of bribery also pull out method: collaborative bribery. Tan climb toward the defense in court, he was not bribery, but with Wang Biao cooperative education. Such as the school's name they want, and some schools provide their own software resources.

most importantly, the training school in the survey, the staff and police officers who detect a significant windfall have proved tricky, certainly the middle.

Tan climb toward the case, but also from the January 2008 start. In the survey, a person under investigation inadvertently said: the pillars of employment skills training were poor, tempest Biao (a pseudonym),UGG Sale, opened a training school. The prosecution initially found that the officials in charge of the project is comprehensive Poverty Alleviation Office of Chief of climbing toward Tan, and Tan Wang were very good personal relationship.

, the contents of this table certainly false.

a return that's Procuratorate, as Tan climb toward bribery, which does not take more than three years supervisory duties, training leading to a large number of poor migrant workers, did not learn really useful skills.

as long as the money to be made, readily agreed to climb towards Tan, Wang Biao became the pillars of this unique training program to get people. To thank climbing toward Tan, Wang Biao four times to the Tan 193,000 yuan, are payments from the state carved out of.

search chief computer

more ridiculous is that, in order to more classes, Wang Biao, inexplicably want some training courses. Example, to teach migrant workers to separate black and white bristles But in rural areas, which is simply a common sense, where the need to lecture classes.

Those that stay the phone, landline all pillars of local, mostly county, and some phone numbers, there are several numbers that the phone number of school staff.

seem larger.

next search leaving investigators who surprised. Tan computer is climbing toward the focus of the search, it is now implemented office computer, so computer may store a large number of materials. The result has forced investigators were disappointed in the climb towards Tam's computer, only a few materials, a little bit, and is stored in a large number of pornographic pictures and pornographic websites address.

Tan Wang Biao not involved in climbing towards the actual management of the school, but no real stake in investment. His behavior can only be described in bribes, take the initiative and Wang Biao, provide a variety of convenient, is a cooperative bribery. Cooperative is now more and more cases of bribery.

court pleaded not guilty

in order to get more profit, Wang Biao, the training time is greatly diminished, the state required training time is 29 days, but Wang Biao in the training school, only 4 days. Four days, climbing toward Tan task is to check the class situation. Biao Wang reported that up for all kinds of forms, is basically climbing toward Tan not look on the stroke of a pen, get signed directly.

investigation went down to have to got to ask this of the Wang Biao time. Wang Biao soon tell the truth to the prosecutor.

was originally a three-way collusion

