
UGG Online Outlet Vehicle was towed after the accident scene

witnesses had also recalled that after the incident, flatbed drivers, for fear of being beaten, immediately get off the street hid within the green belt , come out until police arrived,UGG Boots, he was subsequently taken away by police with the investigation.

truck steel pierced the bus caused by a dead 4 wounded continued: driver XingJu

mention the incident scene, 17-year-old Wang injured passengers still fear. Shanghai was the sea by his mother rushed to city bus line, ready to take the night train back to Fuyang, Anhui. Wang sat in the middle of the car in the last row of seats on the nap, the mother was sitting in front of him.

Vehicle was towed after the accident scene,UGG Online Outlet, the ground there are many broken Boli Cha. Morning News reporters Wu Leishi and Xi Shengxiao allow live pictures
bus rear-end flatbed truck loaded pipes, water pipes are installed into the front of the bus. Xinmin reporter Shen Jian Pu Xing Road
return pipe into the bus compartment. Xinmin reporter Shen Jian Pu Xing Road, return

Morning News yesterday around 2 pm, a flatbed truck in front pump green star burst in the straight road accident. Car shipment of steel pipeline materials, because binding is not strong shedding, which one, even in the inertia, direct penetration of the rear windshield in front of the bus straight, pipe penetration car, will be female conductor crowded near the door can not move, there are passengers were injured in a collision channel. After the incident, rescue workers quickly rushed to the scene, rescued the trapped female conductor, and sent to the hospital. Unfortunately, due to her serious injuries, although the rescue is still unfortunately passed away.

□ intern reporter Zhao Lei Han Shuo

doctors for their wounds after debridement, middle-aged men and women discharged home and rest, Reporters press time, Wang is still fluid, and the old woman injured shoulder slightly heavier because of injuries, suspected fractures,UGG Sale, to do further checking.

this root into the car through the pipeline, resulting in 41 Ms. Shen-year-old conductor was seriously injured, she was being squeezed in the pipe near the back door of the car seat could not move. rescuers carried away her, her face had been Black and Purple,UGG Boots Sale, unconscious. Wang and a female was sitting conductor side of the old woman, also was taken to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment, as well as a middle-aged middle-aged female passenger and a male passenger was also taken to hospital together. After examination, 4 had soft tissue, skin laceration so no life-threatening.

suddenly , rubbing his shoulders straight pipe to the front. Then, they hit a pipeline to him, he just carried the body to leave the seat, behind the pipe in his mouth severely Wang fell just felt inside the shoulder, back, knees and feet burning in pain, blood from the wound constantly Tang Chu. Amy's mother saw this scene scared pale, but fortunately through the pipe into the car without injury to her. These pipes, each about 500 mm in diameter, about 8 meters.

roadside residents Ms Wu, who recalls with flatbed shipment of pipe in front of the bus with no rear-end, good is not completely fixed in three off the pipeline, of which one in the inertia, the pressure front over flatbeds, wear into the car.

scene is Pu Xing Road, north to south direction of the motor road from Da-Yeh Road junction 1.7 km. Vehicle was towed after the accident scene, the ground there are many broken Boli Cha, bus rear debris scattered in the greenbelt inside.

