
UGG Boot JNU girls were dropped from the 11th floor , said doctors continued the fastest return to s

Fang recovered well after two months of treatment, she was holding a handball to do rehabilitation exercises. Xiaofang Zhu Yuanbin photo
picture is on the individual photos on the home page.

Information Times (correspondent reporter Li Nannan Xu key) March 22, JNU School of Journalism and Communication, journalism girls Fang 07, was a man picked up from the floor, broke 11 school buildings seriously injured. In Lianchuang multi-channel gate of hell, the Fang will soon discharged back to his hometown of Shanghai to complete the final hand nerve repair surgery. Yesterday, Fang told reporters that she is the most promising back to school as soon as possible, after recovery also want to be a reporter. Doctors are optimistic estimates, timely surgery if the Fang in Shanghai,UGG Boot, the fastest return to school next semester to study.

Fang: Rehabilitation after also hope that when correspondent

yesterday afternoon, the reporter in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen saw the orthopedic ward and his mother, Fang. Fang and two months ago at this time has been enormous, while her hands upon her help to restore the power of the rubber ball, while pours out to reporters two months of experience.

is able to completely cure, early return to school,

Fang said, the future recovery they want to become a correspondent, , so now is to step up rehabilitation.

Mother: After this the children off stronger

in a short dialogue, Fang repeatedly referred to her mother, said she was accompanied at the side there, to his great encouragement .

in the eyes of her mother, Fang has been a bit brave and optimistic child, Fang a test, the hurdle in the future she will be stronger self-reliance.

According to Fang mother said her daughter's illness has been basically stable, a few days will go to Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, Huashan Hospital last surgery, and that .

doctors: the moment does not affect fertility

, Joint Surgery, Zhongshan Hospital, said yesterday that Director Cai said Zhang, Fang admission is systemic fractures, shock while bleeding, the most serious injury is almost fall deformed pelvis, and there are many large-scale systemic bleeding, pelvis can be a maximum of 2000 ml of blood.

According to reports,UGG Boot, a total of Fang Hospital carried out three major surgery to repair a severe fracture of more than a dozen at present, all the basic trauma treatment has been completed. injury,UGG Boot, so doctors planned to stay in the final deal, will get a leg Fang long peroneal nerve, and the rest of the radial nerve and connected up, surgery can restore to the original 60% to 70% of the features. Fang of the surgery is to go to Shanghai to do the last surgery.

If you can to Shanghai immediately after surgery, no recovery for three months, you can go back to school next semester Fang to class.

The Fang for the cost of treatment occurred in Guangzhou, the hospital will be the first burden, to be coordinated with the school after the completion of settlement.

JNU: Fang will certainly compensate

Information Times (reporter Zhou Wei Hui Hui) Fang in the school was seriously injured by unidentified men pushed down the stairs, school is liable? Guangdong Hua Ren Zhongqi joint counsel law firm Lord, just to make university general management responsibilities. JNU relevant person in charge stated that the school will have a clear compensation for Fang.

Zhong Qi said, the first university campus is an open place, unless specific institutions, foreign workers are able to free access; Furthermore, the University for its campus order, security management responsibilities, and general unit management responsibility is considerable, even more than the latter, only bears responsibility for general management; Finally, the event actually falls female university students as criminals choose crime objects, before their criminal behavior is normal, the University also there is no possibility of early discovery. Therefore, if the Fang way claims through negotiation, the school can refuse compensation. If Fang filed for court, the university should bear the legal responsibility under the principle of fairness, to make appropriate compensation.

Jinan University official said yesterday that the school's attitude is very clear, good problem to determine the details of compensation, to be fully recovered Fang, will begin the issue of compensation. The source said the issue of compensation will be family members of patients, schools, insurance companies, three seminars, talks out of a joint so that everyone can accept the amount.

