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Half of the art you enjoy every day is probably due to some happy accident.You wouldn't think video games would be subject to this, however - a mistake in the code of a game would most likely just melt your Xbox (again) rather than invent some fun new game mechanic. Yet, some of the most iconic features of games can be credited to serendipity:

contact with people living in the arts are derived from some of the basic product of chance. You may not think that the In fact, the game on the line of the error code would most likely make your XBOX360 become increasingly hot, and what the cattle will not lead to some new techniques of X games. However, the identity of some of today's game, or can be attributed to some accidental characteristic of the BUG.

hard to Laura and Tomb Raider's success is attributed to twelve reasons, Tomb Raider out of the many good and well received series. But if they did not give the heroine a large wave, then, Tomb Raider will not sell so well, Laura will not become a well-known game characters.

Well, as it turns out, Lara's bust is a result of a mistake. Artist Toby Gard, one of the people in charge of designing Lara Croft, was toying around with the dimensions of the character. When setting the dimensions of her chest, he slipped with his mouse and increased the boob area by a cartoonish 150 percent.

results we are told, Laura, Mimi is a design error. Toby Gard, who designed the Laura, one day he played the game in the size of characters, when he adjusted the size of the chest, when Laura, his hand sliding it increased 1.5 times, it is very Haoru cartoon.

The rest of the (male) crew immediately asked him to keep it that way, solidifying a stereotype about video gamers that we have not been able to shake in the 15 years since. And the rest is video game history. To quote the team, . This, also formed in the curing of a game in 15 years no change in design. Since then the history of the game, citing their words for the later paved the way for female game character. People say she is the first game in the history of a sex symbol. She also regularly appear in major - game sexy stuff - ranked in the first place.

Although we now get a little too far, there is a typical game of sex discrimination or materialized women. But even then you need to understand better than the original, because Laura before the female role or act as a hostage or to just soy sauce.

Some would say that Metroid is not the role of women in it. Is, but her gender has been a mystery, unless people know ----- the game opened up in the heavy metal jacket hidden under a sexy beauty.

Lara is strong, independently wealthy, beautiful, smart and great at what she does. If it took a 150 percent inflated chest to blaze that trai, well, maybe that's just the way it is. Meanwhile, Lara led the way for 3D gaming (along with Mario 64). The first Tomb Raider sold millions of copies, reinvigorating a platforming genre that had been written off as Mario-style kids games for years. All thanks to the slip of a mouse.

Laura strong, rich, beautiful, smart, good at doing her thing. If these needs at a cost of Mimi to 1.5 times, then perhaps it should be. At that time, Laura command of 3D gaming world (and uncle along with Mario). Tomb Raider sold the first generation of large, action games market to revive, discourage people over the years that kind of action game that kids play the game Mario's views. All in all, thanks to the year that the

Long before the Grand Theft Auto series became the gold standard in video game mayhem simulators, Rockstar Games (back then known as DMA Design) was working on a racing game called Race and Chase. The idea was gold signs of violence before the game, R is done racing game, and they do a call RACE AND CHASE racing game, the game idea is racing, but the actual picture is this:

Eagle-eyed viewers will notice a stark similarity between the above screen shot and the original GTA series, that isn't a coincidence. As far as the play testers were concerned, the game sucked, except for one glitch which made the police in the game go apeshit for no reason. Instead of politely pulling you over, the cops would ram you off the road (their AI was accidentally trying to drive through the player). Suddenly everyone was crashing non-stop.

sharp-eyed may notice that the game screen with the first generation is much like the GTA, this is not a coincidence. Comments from the game testers point of view, this game is garbage, but there are a BUG, ​​the police no reason to make the game crazy. They led the police tell you to stop will not polite, but direct you hit the roadside (in order of their unexpected run over AI players), all of a sudden things are kept on collision.

Play testers thought this was freaking hilarious, and in fact abandoned the missions just to screw around and see what kind of mayhem they could cause. The designers decided to not only leave the psychotic cops in there, but build the entire game around the kind of ridiculously violent car chases caused by the glitch.

game tester that this is very funny, and is no longer complete the goal of the game, but to try to crash into anything up to look. Game designers that not only should the police keep a madman,UGG Online Outlet, but also the whole game through BUG vehicles are all exaggerated chase.

the game was eventually completely overhauled to create Grand Theft Auto. By the time Grand Theft Auto 3 came around a few years later, the series was one of the most influential ever. It would go on to revolutionize world

last the entire game was remade, and Grand Theft Auto was born. Grand Theft Auto 3 came out in those years, this series is the most influential in the history of the game. It's revolutionary concept of But the core of these games are actually enjoying the game that do not play the main quest, but the feeling of tyranny in the game. The reasons for this is because no one knows how to properly design the game's law enforcement. .

Evolution, baby.

# 4 Space Invaders accidental invention of the br> 1978's Space Invaders was so influential that even Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Nintendo's cornerstone franchises, has pointed to it as the game that influence, or even Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's soul, have pointed out that this game is a gaming revolution.

Like all retro games, the key is that it's effortless to start playing, and next to impossible to master. At the beginning, the alien ships are just lined stupidly in front of you in rows. You just have to pick them off with your laser, right? Ah, but as you decimate their numbers, something happens: They go faster.

like other classic games, like the past, the key to this game is very easy to get started, but then slowly become very, very difficult. Beginning of the game, the alien spaceship is to line the line 2B let you play, you just press the button on the simple kill them. But once you reduce the number of them, they changed and began accelerating.

This is a perfect degree of difficulty increased, the better the reward is to play more and more difficult to play, the more you kill the aliens, the harder to kill. When several enemy got left on the screen, you can rely on fast reaction force hit them

The thing is, the scaling difficulty was totally unintentional. The entire game was programmed and built by one man: Tomohiro Nishikado. And by built, we mean that he spent an entire year custom developing the hardware for the game because the hardware available in Japan at the time wasn't powerful enough to run it. It was like the Crysis 2 of 1978.

problem is the difficulty of the design of this metamorphosis is entirely unintentional. The entire game by a man named Tomohiro Nishikado people do. I mean, he spent a whole year to develop the appropriate hardware system development, because Japan was not enough to run the configuration console game. Like Crysis 2 in 1978.

And when it was all finished, Nishikado discovered that the hardware still wasn't powerful enough to run the game how he intended it. He programmed the game to move all the aliens at what he thought would be a pretty steady rate - but while play-testing it, he found the aliens to be quite a bit slower than he wanted. There were simply too many on the screen for the hardware to handle, so it bogged down.

As he played on, however, he discovered that the game sped up as he brought swift laser-justice to those invading alien bastards - fewer characters for the processor to keep track of meant it could finally move them at their correct speed. He liked the effect so much, he decided to keep it, saying it . His enemies should be designed in accordance with the speed of movement and stability. But when he tested, he discovered the enemy moving too slow card on the screen there are too many things, but to deal with that game, on card.

playing time but he found that when eliminating some enemies, the game will be fast. Finally, the design will return to normal speed. He liked the effect, so he decided to keep down, and joked: Add more terror elements.

If you LV9 had not died, the game will send a real wolf to deal with you

Actually, you could argue it added the only reason to keep playing the game at all. It was the first game that actually got more difficult as you progressed. Before that point, games were pretty much the same all the way through (often repeating the same screens over and over), and it was basically a matter of waiting for your hands to get tired.

This, combined with the fact that it was the first game to implement a high-score system meant that dedicated people put a lot of quarters into Space Invaders - it actually created a yen shortage in Japan.

In fact, you can even conclude that this is the only reason to make this game interesting. It is the world's first process as the game gradually increases the difficulty of the game. Before that, the game is the same pre-post (just a basic frame only), basically to see what you can play when tired.

This, coupled with the first scoring system (leads to sleepless nights), this game is really caused a yen shortage in Japan.

and he led the expansion of the yen (in his pocket)

When most people think of the birth of the action RPG genre, they think of The Legend of Zelda. Link had a forebearer, however, in the form of a 1979 Atari 2600 game simply titled Adventure. It worked pretty much the same way as the early Zelda games: Players picked up items to help them move through dungeons, and slew monsters and dragons. It was a pretty straightforward game, and a relatively popular one at that.

Most people think that Zelda is a RPG origin. in 1979, Atari 2600 game on a game is called is a basic model. Players collect items to help them get through dungeons, kill monsters. It is a clear goal of the game is relatively famous.

But back in the late 70s and early 80s, Atari was kind of a shitty place to work. Most games were made by just one person, and they didn't even get credit on the box. So when Adventure's creator, Warren Robinett, got to work on the game, he decided to stick it to The Man by hiding his name in the game's code. But instead of just adding SINCERELY, WARREN ROBINETT They even get a check. Therefore, the But he added more than just a

Robinett, being the sole programmer on Adventure, knew perfectly well that the game had a really bad graphical glitch brought on by the system's limited hardware: When too many objects appeared on the screen, the images would begin rapidly flashing - a phenomenon typically referred to as sprite flickering (if you've played any of the old Mega Man games, you probably know exactly what we're talking about).

him as the only This phenomenon is called the classic sprite flickering (if you've played Mega Man on the FC, you know that we say is valid)

Robinett decided to exploit the glitch by including a secret item in the game: A small 1x1 pixel square that was the same color as the floor, making it effectively invisible. If picked up by the player and brought to another part of the dungeon, players could intentionally trigger the sprite flickering. This would also cause a black bar that served as a dungeon wall to flicker. Players could walk through it, and inside was a plain purple room with a hidden objects: a small box of 1X1 pixels, with the same color as the floor, making it difficult to find. If the players pick it up, and then into an underground city to another, the player can intentionally trigger sprite flickering (flashing screen). The game will be a black bar, as the underground city wall. Players can go into, which is in a purple room with this

And thus was born the first Easter egg in video game history. By the time Atari found out, it was too late and too costly to recall the cartridges, so they just called it an , if a game doesn't have well-hidden levels, items or unlockable sarcastic voiceovers, we feel cheated.

This is the birth of the first egg of a game history. At that time, Atari found the recall, (Robinett to other companies is already done)

Atari in a uniform is a person in the creation of Today, if a game does not hide the goods, or can not unlock the voice-over commentary, we feel we are manufacturers lazy.

development of Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter producer when he found the game a BUG, ​​that can play in one action fists, he was found smashed cars that reward points , that level is the best reward points.

The bug took perfect timing and let players sneak in a couple of extra hits, which was important because this was a multi-player game. If gamers fighting against each other could exploit this, they could string together several hits without the opponent being able to respond.

Noritaka left the bug in the game because he figured it'd be too difficult for players to pull off anyway (the rest of the development team didn 't even know about it). But he underestimated the dedication and, quite frankly, insanity of competitive fighting game players, and soon these you can play the game characters and more punches. This game is very important, because it is PC game. If the players make good use of this BUG, ​​or even allow the other party time to fight back.

Noritaka this BUG to stay in the game, because he thought that this BUG is difficult for the players (the other team does not know about it) result, he underestimated this BUG, ​​players crazy research, Soon

Starting with Super Street Fighter II (one of what would turn out to be many, many iterations of the game), the bug became official. The game started keeping track and rewarding a higher score for these combination attacks. It added a completely different dynamic to the game - specifically the ability to instantly come from behind in a fight that seemed lost, by stringing together an insane combo:

from Super Street Fighter 2 Initially, this BUG has become the official system. The game even started recording technology, will be connected to the different technical scores. BLOCK even evolved into a dynamic system - especially the history of most of this defeat and victory against Niubi, thanks to that limit BLOCK

now, to make a fighting game but not even the technical systems, like as,, the amount, Tomb Raider is not Mimi. If you are a fighting game FANS, then you should thank Noritaka Funamizu that the mercy of the BUG.

# 1. because the programmer level and left too much residue cheats

if you played the universe cruising machine, and if you have never entered cheats would be a shame

The game and all of its sequels are known for being bastard hard. At any one time, it is perfectly possible for there to be dozens of individual danger zones on the screen. By danger zones, we of course mean areas on the screen you'll die instantly and make you have to start again, without any of the power-ups you just busted your ass unlocking.

this game and its sequel are all difficult to giant TM known. On the screen at any time there is a death zone, that as long as you walk in, you will never die B, then again, and because the ability to get gone, you mean the game wide open chrysanthemum, waiting for the enemy to enter .

This wasn't an isolated thing and you weren't the only one who sucked: Kazuhisa Hashimoto, one of the guys who helped freaking create the home port of the game, couldn't play it. After watching his ship explode endlessly during play testing, he eventually thought, Screw this, I'm the programmer! and created a code - a simple set of button presses to give himself a full set of power-ups, no doubt laughing to himself as he played back through the game.

This is not an isolated phenomenon, not to say that only you play well. Kazuhisa Hashimoto, the design of this one game, but also play well. He looked again and again, after his ship died, his last thought, go to your sister, and brother is a programmer. So he set up a password, a simple password for all of the available capacity, he smiled and Wanbian the entire game.

So why are we calling it a glitch? He accidentally left the code in the game when it was released.

That code is what is now famously known as the Konami Code (up, up , down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A). It's a string that old-school gamers know by heart (they should - it was the only thing that let them get even half way through Contra). Not only did the code make it into Konami's subsequent releases, but the code has been somewhat of an Easter egg in dozens of other games from other developers. In Resident Evil 2, it gave you infinite ammo; in Quake 4 it completed all your objectives for you; and in Tony Hawk 2 it let you unlock Spider-Man.

period of KONAMI's cheats now we all know: the BA about this character up and down about every player has an old heart by heart (they have to, because that will not allow them at least to play Contra gameover the first few off.) not later KONAMI games have joined this cheat, but also those made by other game like color Like the egg into the other games. In Resident Evil 2 years, will give you unlimited ammunition,UGG Boots Sale, in Quake 4 where all the targets will directly kill. Tony 2 years in the skateboard will unlock the Spider-Man.

And after that, the code started leaking into the real world, becoming a bona fide pop culture phenomenon. Just try entering it here (we really don't want to spoil the surprise, just trust us). Dozens of other websites have implemented Easter eggs when you enter the code - our favorite is probably the Marvel.com version, in which a tiny rodent wearing a Deadpool mask would leap onto the screen and berate you for it.

later, this cheat code leaked to the real world, a good pop culture phenomenon. There are many, many sites add this egg. For example, this http://lockfale.com/

or http://konamicodesites.com/ 相关的主题文章:

