
UGG Boots Sichuangminzhai pull billboard inspectors accused to negotiate with injured female-headed

Hotline 80,889,088 pairs of correspondent reported that in the process of negotiations with city management, his wife was wounded, is still the city of Shenyang People's Hospital.

A party: several urban hit his wife

9 月 6 日 1 pm, the reporter saw her injured husband, Ms Xu and Wang. Mr. Wang said: , and persimmon trees have been broken. neighbor is chased over the demolition of the billboard, they had left a will. Mr. Wang went out to look, she saw the road east chased the car parked and I riding a motorcycle chase in the past , want to ask questions, but the urban management officers said: 'Who is that we pull into your house billboard of the' my wife to drive over, say they have our family car billboards this time city management on the anxious, Start foul-mouthed. my wife pointed to them with the umbrella, said: 'Let's something that people do not scold ah'。President said, see the police come, leave the car open. Wang drawer and took out the hospital's case,UGG Boots, the reporter saw that says urban side, but he is not responding.

B neighbors: no advance notice to pull urban billboards

correspondent then went to Wang's home, the yard several root broken wires in the yard on the west side, Mr. Wang pointing to a persimmon tree, told reporters, p> A neighbor of Mr. Wang said to reporters, Brand also torn down, we did not know how, before the inspectors did not say, directly over the demolition of the billboard left, is really too brutal. Office of the rectification notice, if they notice soon, we will certainly meet, why come directly split ah? , I, quite far away from the specific situation is not very clear. Office of Public Information Section of the Yuen told reporters,UGG Boots, 4, we have urban street near the department of which way to focus on illegal billboards. Mr. hiding, so it pulled into the yard billboard. drag yourself home billboards, while we curse the law enforcement officers,UGG Boots, law enforcement officers did not say when what later and rushed to the woman, the first hands of our law enforcement officers, law enforcement officers toward a two fan's head on hand, that law enforcement officers pushed a woman, the woman lay down on the flow, in fact, our law enforcement officers simply do not have hands. How to deal with it? Yuen told reporters, , the court sentenced how we do not have any comment.

