
UGG Ireland Full exposure of Jackson will

Jackson will

full exposure



I - Michael Jackson, California residents. I officially declare my last will and testament. I used all released and additional terms will become void.

1. I solemnly state that I am now a single state. Deborah and I - Jean - Law - Jackson's marriage has ended. I now have three children. They are Prince Michael - Jackson, Paris Michael - Jackson and Prince - - Michael Jackson. In addition, I have no other children. Whether it is still alive or had died.

2. I will be allocated through this all my heritage. Distribution of the estate in accordance with the procedure executor.

3. I have all the property to the trustee. Then follow the March 22, 2002 I signed with the trustee to operate the revised trust agreement. I was co-created and trustees - Michael Jackson Family Trust Fund. The trust agreement after the death of all the changes to my program have priority effect. All my property should be in accordance with the Trust Agreement Trust Fund conservation, management and distribution.

Trust Agreement and the Fund if the appeal does not operate normally or fail, I will be the remaining property to my client or the client specified in the relevant field. Run by them - Michael Jackson Family Trust Fund. Operational methods, or according to the March 22, 2002 to develop the revised trust agreement. I authorize separate client, management, preservation and distribution of my trust property. My client or the client's funds to develop the operator can not take shares in the fund.

4. I asked the client to pay my property taxes after the death resulting from federal, state, property taxes, and died on me and trust fund management or property-related taxes. But other than those specified in the wills of property tax revenue generated by the holders of own property.

5. I have appointed John - Bu Langka, John - Klein and Barry - Sri Siegel as my executor. If some of them death, resignation or other reasons can not carry the responsibility of the executor, the other executor will continue to perform their duties. There will be no emergence of a new executor. If the three executors can not continue to bear the responsibility, they can specify other officers to this role.

I mentioned in a will executor should include my property agent. Executor does not need to pay any deposit.

I hereby authorize the executor with the sale, lease, mortgage, exchange and other disposition of my property all the powers. The ultimate goal of all approaches are as follows: to continue to operate my company, to purchase assets, pay the insurance premiums, as well as dealing with my contract, mortgage loans and sales credentials. In addition, I give the executor and re-invest in real estate investment funds and other property.

6. In addition to the third part I mentioned in the will of the property, I have deliberately ignored the property left to my heirs. I have to ignore my ex-wife Deborah - Jean - Law - Jackson left the property.

7. If I died when I generate interest property outside of California and need someone to serve as auxiliary officers, I assigned my family executor as a supplementary management. I have to give additional rights to assist management in handling my property. These powers include: sale of property, from California to obtain funds to pay for property and property-related taxes, claims, attorney's fees and management salaries.

8. If I died when my children were young, I will assign my mother Katherine Jackson as a child and the guardian of the property they are allocated. If Katherine Jackson - can not bear this responsibility, I will develop a Diana - Ross as the new guardian.

I will sign in this time of the July 7, 2002. - Michael Joseph - Jackson

were two of us as this will prove that this will witness a total of five, including the last page of our sign. We prove that Michael - Joseph - Jackson did sign the wills. The two of us are more than 18 years old this year, will comply with the law can be a witness.

we are all connected - Michael Joseph Jackson - closely. - Michael Joseph Jackson - when signing the will has over 18 years of age. According to our observation, he signed a will in the normal sense, not being of others coercion, intimidation, threats, misleading or other effects.

We solemnly swear appeal is true and accurate.

this agreement at 17:00 on July 7, 2002 came into effect. Sign location is Los Angeles. (Compile / Cauchy)

English original:


I, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON, a resident of the State of California, declare thisto be my last Will, and do hereby revoke all former wills and codicils made by me.


I declare that I am not married. My marriage to DEBORAH JAN ROWE JACKSON has been dissolved. I have three children now living, PRINCE MICHAELJACKSON, JR., PARIS MICHAELKATHERINEJACKSON and PRINCE MICHAEL JOSEPHJACKSON, IT.I have no other children, living or deceased


It is my intention by this Will to dispose of all property which I am entitled to Dispose of by will. I specifically refrain from exercisingaU150wersof appointment that I may possess at the time of my death.


I give my entire estate to the Trustee or Trustees then acting under that certain Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust executed on March 22, 2002 by me as Trustee and Trustor which is called the MICHAEL JACKSON FAMILY TRUST, giving effect to any amendments there to made prior to my death. All such assets shall be held, managed and distributed as a part of said Trust according to its terms and not as a separate testamentary trust.

If for any reason this gift is not operative or is invalid, or if the aforesaid Trust fails or has been revoked, I give my residuary estate to the Trustee or Trustees named to act in the MICHAEL JACKSON FAMILY TRUST,UGG Ireland, as Amended and Restated on March 22,2002, and I direct said Trustee or Trustees to divide, administer, hold and distribute the trust estate pursuant to the provisions of said Trust, as hereinabove referred to as such provisions now exist to the same extent and in the same manner as though that certain Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, were here in set forth in full, but without giving effect to any subsequent amendments after the date of this Will. The Trustee, Trustees, or any successor Trustee named in such Trust Agreement shall serve without bond.


I direct that all federal estate taxes and state inheritance or succession taxes payable upon or resulting from or by reason of my death (herein , including property which passes to said trust from my probate estate shall be paid by the Trustee of said trust in accordance with its terms. Death Taxes attributable to property passing outside this Will, other than property constituting the trust estate of the trust intentioned in the preceding sentence, shall be charged against the taker of said property.


I appoint JOHN BRANCA, JOHN McCLAIN and BARRY SlliGEL as co-Executors of this Will. In the event of any of their deaths, resignations, inability, failure or refusal to serve or continue to serve as a co-Executor, the other shall serve and no replacement need be named. The co-Executors serving at any time after my death may name one or more replacements to serve in the event that none of the three named individuals is willing or able to serve at anytime.

The term

I hereby give to my Executors, full power and authority at any time or times to sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, exchange or otherwise dispose of the property, whether real or, personal comprising my estate, upon such terms as my Executors shall deem best, to continue any business enterprises, to purchase assets from my estate, to continue in force and pay insurance premiums on any insurance policy, including life insurance, owned by my estate, and for any of the foregoing purposes to make, execute and deliver any and all deeds, contracts, mortgages, bills of sale or other instruments necessary or desirable therefor. In addition, I give to my Executors full power to invest and reinvest the estate funds and assets in any kind of property, real, personal or mixed, and every kind of investment, specifically including, but not by way of limitation, corporate obligations of every kind and stocks, preferred or common, and interests in investment trusts and shares in investment companies, and any common trust fund administered by any corporate executor hereunder,UGG Ireland, which men of prudent discretion and intelligence acquire for their own account.


Except as otherwise provided in this Will or in the Trust referred to in Article III

hereof, I have intentionally omitted to provide for my heirs. I have intentionally omitted to provide for my former wife, DEBORAH JEAN ROWE JACKSON.

If at the time of my death I own or have an interest in property located outside of the State of California requiring ancillary administration, I appoint my domiciliary Executors as ancillary Executors for such property. I give to said domiciliary Executors the following additional powers, rights and privileges to be exercised in their sole and absolute discretion, with reference to such property: to cause such ancillary administration to be commenced, carried on and completed; to determine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary Executors for the payment of all claims, taxes, costs and administration expenses, including compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys' fees incurred by reason of the ownership of such property and by such ancillary administration; and upon completion of such ancillary administration, I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute, transfer and deliver the residue of such property to the domiciliary Executors herein, to be distributed by them under the terms of this Will, it being my intention that my entire estate shall be administered as a unit and that my domiciliary Executors shall supervise and control, so far as permissible by local law, any ancillary administration proceedings deemed necessary in the settlement of my estate.

If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother, KATHERINE JACKSON as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children. If KATHERINE JACKSON fails to survive me, or is unable or unwilling to act as guardian, I nominate DIANA ROSS as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children.

I subscribe my name to this Will this 7 day of July, 2002


On the date written below, MICHAELJOSEPH JACKSON, declared to us, the undersigned, that the foregoing instrument consisting of five (5) pages, including the page signed by us as witnesses, was his Will and requested us to act as witnesses to it. He thereupon signed this Will in our presence, all of us being present at the same time. We now, at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, subscribe our names as witnesses.

Each of us is now more than eighteen (18) years of age and a competent witness and resides at the address set forth after his name.

Each of us is acquainted with MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON. At this time, he is over the age of eighteen (18) years and, to the best of our knowledge, he is of sound mind and is not acting under duress, menace , fraud, misrepresentation or undue influence.

We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on July 7th, 2002 at 5:00 pm,UGG Ireland, Los Angeles

