


I’ve been avoiding Kalaan for almost a week now after that incident that occurred at my house. It wasn’t that I found he situation funny it was just because I felt embarrassed for having those thoughts with him giving me a lap dance. I only saw I’m on school that Monday, he glanced at me and It looked as if he wanted to talk to me but he didn’t. now it’s been about three days since he was out and I was starting to get a little worried. In my economics class I would constantly think the worse would be happening to Kalaan but I remained focused on my work.

While I was trying to finish up my essay I drifted off to sleep…

The beat of Usher’s Trading places entered my ears which caused me to lift my head up quickly, when I looked down I was in a tight tube dress, it was cheetah print and I could hardly breathe in it, my hair was now in tight curls, and I noticed I was chained to a desk.

“What the hell?” I whispered to myself as I tried to get out of the chains

The classroom lights dimmed to a red and purple light that lit up the small classroom, the door pushed open and there stood Kalaan. He walked into the classroom with a white rose in his mouth as he made eye contact with me and winked at me which caused me to gasp. Kalaan laughed as he started making his way down the aisle grinding in the air which I wished my body was pressed up against.

My eyes focused to his face to his bare chest that revealed a 6 pack, my eyes traveled down to his jeans and I wondered how big he was. Shaking my head I tried to get the nasty thoughts out of my head but they refused to leave, Kalaan sat down on my lap and placed the rose inside on my dress so they were in between my breast. Kalaan leaned close to my lips, “Kalaan.” I whispered

He shushed me, “Let daddy finish.”

His lips attacked to my ear which was now named as my ‘Spot’ I bit my lip to try to hide my moan but once his lips made contact with mine my moan slipped. Kalaan snickered, “It’s about that time.” He said and stood up in front of me clapping his hands and the chains were released from my arms.

He grabbed my wrist pulling me up to him, I was only eye level with his chest but his slipped his finger underneath my chin to stare up in his brown eyes. Kalaan’s hands slipped to my ass as he gave it a gentle squeeze as he picked me up my legs attaching to his waist. My back hit the desk and my eyes went wide as I knew what was coming next.

When I told the girls that at lunch they all had different reactions.

“I always knew you were quick strange.” Virginia joked nudging me with her shoulder

Rolling my eyes I looked to Echo since she was the one who made the most since next to Sarah, and Virginia. Echo smiled at me, “You’re having hot flashes boo.”

Scrunching up my nose I asked, “What the hell is that?”

Hazel spoke up after she finished swallowing a piece of her taco, “You’re horny!”

My hand slapped hers because she got some attention from other people in the café, we were in the café today because it was raining hard outside.

Virginia laughed, “Yeah. I guess that’s another way to put it.”

I remained quiet not knowing what to say after that, it was quiet for a few minutes until Echo asked a question.

“Have any of you girls seen the boys the last three days?” She asked as she took a sip of her watermelon Arizona

Everybody shrugged or shook their heads no, but Hazel spoke up.

“Johnny texted me telling me he and the boys had to handle some business or whatever. The dude knows he’s out there stealing money so he needs to stop trying to hide it.”

We all fell silent again until I spoke up, “I really don’t understand why we even associate with them if we know what they are doing.”

Hazel rolled her eyes, “Who gives a fuck? As long as it isn’t harming me I don’t care. Maybe Johnny might even share some money with me.”

Sarah glared at her, “Is that all you care about? Yourself?”

Hazel glared back at Sarah, “Bitch don’t ask me any damn questions, you’re not my momma. Stay the fuck over there and be quiet like you were before.”

Sarah decided to get some backbone today so she stood up from the table and rested both of her hands on the table and looked Hazel right in the eye, “You know what, I’m tired. I’m sick and tired of the way you treat me, just because my family was granted with money you think I think I’m all that. Just because you’re considered the prettiest bitch out of our group does not mean you can treat everybody like shit. So here’s my fuck you and have a nice day!” She yelled pointing her finger in Hazel’s face

Hazel was now standing to and the whole café was starting to get quiet, Echo noticed and grabbed Hazel’s wrist but she shoved Echo out of the way. Virginia stood up, “Ya’ll need to stop this, and ya’ll suppose be friends remember?”

Hazel’s glare turned to Virginia, “Shut it VAGINIA, this has nothing to do with ya’ll. It’s between me and towel head over here.”

Sarah’s glare deepened, “Excuse me?!”

Hazel looked at Sarah with wide eyes, “I said you’re a towel head-

Sarah took her hot tomatoe soup and threw it right on Hazel’s blouse; my eyes went wide as Hazel screamed. It was if everything happened in a matter of seconds, Hazel was climbing over the table to Sarah and grabbed her by her hair and they went flying on the floor. The café went loud as people started to throw food and while other’s surround Hazel’ and Sarah’s fight.

It was all becoming too much for me and I started to panic, crawling towards the exit door I snuck down the door to the gym lobby and sat there pulling my knees up to my chest. My head flew down to my knees as I started to have a panic attack; I have bad nerves so little things can set me off. Feeling a warm hand on my knee I looked up to see Kalaan staring at me with concerned eyes, I threw my arms around his neck hugging him ignoring the burning sensation to take him down on the floor.


When Hazel shoved me I really wanted to throw a bitch slap right at her, but she was my best friend and even though she has a smart mouth I respect her too much to fight her. This was really sad to see Sarah and Hazel scrap on the floor like that, the guys were betting each other saying that ‘Sarah the nerd will probably whoop that ass’ -______- Virginia was too busy throwing food back at the people who hit her on the back of hair with eggs, I noticed Kotta had slipped out of the Café.

Hiding underneath the cafeteria lunch table I tried to keep myself clean and my hair away from the gum underneath the table, that was just disgusting. Holding my phone out I dialed Bravo’s number and waited for him to answer he picked up on the fourth ring.

“Hello?” He asked

He sounded as if he was running, “Where are you?!” I asked

Shuffling was going around on the phone,Ray Ban Sunglasses, “Can I call you back?”

Glaring at the phone I decided to scream at him since that’s all we ever do nowadays, “NO! I want to talk to you now not later, not tomorrow! Now!”

“I can’t deal with your bitchin’ right now Cho. I’mma call you later.” And he hung up on me just like that

Tears filled my eyes and I crawled out from the lunch table and ran over to the exit and down the gym lobby and outside into the courtyard. Digging my nails into my skin as I balled my fist I let the cold wind freeze my warm body and I let out a loud scream that echoed through out the courtyard. My knees fell to the floor as I slammed my hands into the gravel which caused my hands to get cut up; I was tired of dealing with the same ol’ bullshit.

Hands were on my back and I looked up into a pair of hazel eyes, he pulled me to my feet and I hugged onto his waist as he rested his hands on my shoulders. We walked out of the courtyard and went to his car, he turned on the heat and handed me his snuggie I stared at him shivering.

“A nigga get’s cold with no heat, I just paid the heat bill during lunch time until I heard you scream.” He replied simply

Wrapping myself up in the snuggie, Cade started up the car and drove of the parking lot.

“We can’t just leave.” I said placing my seatbelt on anyways

Cade snickered, “Make sure you text your friends and let them bring your things home.”

Nodding I agreed and just laid back in his ride watching the tree’s go by.

Cade pulled up to an a condo building and shielded me through the rain, we made it inside his house. His place was very nice, small, and cozy.

“Where’s your mom?” I asked him staring at the picture

Cade stared over at me with a ‘really expression, “She’s at work it’s only twelve in the afternoon Echo.”

I liked the way my name rolled off his tongue better then it did with Bravo’s, when I thought about him it made more tears run down my face. Cade sat down a cup of orange juice an hugged me, my head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck and he smelled good too.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get him back.” Cade whispered staring at the fireplace

My body was too numb to move, my ears wee too frozen to hear so all I saw was a beautiful man who let words slip from his plump lips.


When the security guards started jumping on bitches I bounced right the fuck out, I refused to get caught and have to stay here and help clean up. I wanted to come to the basketball tryout’s tonight but let’s hope the fat ass principal doesn’t cancel. Zipping up my hoodie I grabbed Echo’s things since she texted me asking if I could bring her things to this guy’s house. The rain was freezing as it smacked me along my face, I decided to take the short cut was which was threw the hood. I walked by the k-mart singing along to Drake’s ‘LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE’ and stopped once I saw Duce; I knew it was him because even though his face and nose was covered up I noticed those squinted eyes from anywhere.

He slipped a gun from his waist and I dropped Echo’s bag and watched as he slipped down the alley, grabbing Echo’s bag I tossed it behind a tree along with my bag. Slowly I followed him down the alley and saw a broken door flapping open and close with the wind, slowly I pulled the door open as it creaked making me cringe. Slipping inside I followed the sounds of talking and stopped around the corner as I saw Duce, Showtime, and Johnny standing in front of a dude who had three bitches half dressed sitting on the couch next to him.

“Did you get my money?” The guy asked simply as he smoked his blunt

The three boys said nothing which caused the guy with the fucked up dreads to laugh.

“You guy’s have been working for me for about a year now, and you know what happens when you don’t bring my money on time.” The guy said

Showtime decided to speak up, “We know Slade, but KR is supposed to be bringing it. If you can just wait ten minutes-

Slade laughed as he looked at the five dudes who were surrounding them, “This mothafucka said wait…I don’t have time to wait. Time is money and it looks like my man KR aint here. Ya’ll fuckin’ up...Big time! Now answer me, what happens when my money aint here on time?!” He screamed causing me to gasp but I quickly covered my mouth

Johnny buried his hands in his pockets as he leaned back, “We play.”

Slade stood up as he smiled revealing sliver grillz, “You know I like you too Johnny…you a chill ass dude. I won’t kill you, so step aside little homie.”

Johnny paused as he stared at Showtime and Duce but he slowly moved to the side, Slade stood up pointing his gun right at Showtime then switched to Duce’s forehead, and then he switched back to Alex’s head.

“Pick a number.” Slade replied with his blunt in between his lips

Alex gulped, “Uh…o-one.”

Slade pulled the trigger but the gun clicked not releasing a bullet, Alex let out a deep breath which caused Slade and his friends to laugh.

“I know nigga ShowTime wasn’t scared.” Slade stated

Alex shook his head as he moved to go stand with Marquise; Duce stared at Slade as he moved the gun to under his chin. Duce stared him right in the eyes not moving and emotionless. Slade looked back at his friends, “I like him too…he got a lot of heart. Pick a number homie.”

Duce replied with, “Two.”

Slade nodded as he clicked once then twice a bullet went flying. The world seemed to turn black and white, and all I could hear was my heartbeat as I stared in horror and I fell to the floor with a thud s I held my shoulder. Hearing footsteps run towards me I looked up to see Duce holding me in his arms, two other dudes of Slade stood over me pointing there gun at me.

“Who this shawty?” One asked

My breathing started to get heavy,Vibram Sale, “Oh, that’s you’re bitch I thought I recognized her. I see her walking all ova the place.” The other replied

Alex was the only one to snap Duce out of it, “Take her to the hospital. Cal her girls, and call the bros to come down here quick.” Alex said shoving Duce

He picked me up and ran with me in his arms through the rain.


“You had the nerve to act ghetto up in that school; you are a disgrace to this family,UGG Sale!” My father yelled

My mother stared at me, her lip was busted up and this time she didn’t say anything to get me out of this one. Standing up I stared at my father as he got wide eyed, “I told you Hazel disrespected me and I wasn’t going to have that. You disrespecting me more isn’t going to solve anything so just shut the hell up!” I yelled in my father’s face walking by him

He caught my wrist and slapped me right across the eye which caused me to pause, even though my eye and the top part of my eye was throbbing I calmly walked by him and pulled the draw open. Leaning against the counter I let my father talk, “Now if beating you and your mother is the only way to let you both learn so be it. I’m transferring you over-

Before he could answer I charged at him and stabbed him right in his leg and watched as he fell to the floor, my mother screamed as she dropped down beside my father. My hand was shaking as I rushed up my stairs closing the door; I packed a small bag and rubbed some cream on my throbbing eye. Jumping down to the front yard I could hear the sirens in the background. Running down the sidewalk I rushed to the city bus and caught the subway to the south side to Dudley’s house.

When he opened his door I fell into his arms and told him everything.


My mother said nothing to me as she picked me up from school; Taja was sitting in the backseat with me asking me 150 questions about how I fought the bitch. If Johnny was there he’d probably pull me away and tried to make jokes out of it. Over the past weeks I began to like the short dude, he was just laid back but I doubt he’s ready for love. I’m not really looking for love, I was born without a man and I can die without one too. BUT, it would be nice to have a boyfriend.

My mom pulled up the house slamming the car door, I busted out laughing but she gave me the dirtiest look ever as she went up the steps to the house. Since they had to call my mother she didn’t let me return back to my little condo, Taja and I walked into my old home and I walked into the bathroom. Taja followed me as she leaned up against the door; I stared at my eye and glared at my reflection. My arms were scratched up, a long scar down my neck,Coach Outlet Store, and my eye was split on the side.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled annoyed

Taja nodded, “Same thing I said. What she beat you with?”

Grabbing the needle and thread I walked back out the bathroom and said, “When I was choking her ass she took off her heel and started beating me with it.”

Taja’s eyes widened, “Damn, sis. Is the video getting published on FaceBook?”

Shrugging I said, “It might. Mommy?!” I called

My mother came out the room and pushed the chair back and motioned for me to sit, I sat down and let her work on my eye. She worked at a spa and went to school for nursing.

My mother worked on my eye making me flinch and she held my head still, “You know I’mma fuck you up you know that right?”

Nodding I said, “Nothing’s new between us.”

She smirked and went into the kitchen to fix us something to eat, the doorbell ringed as I just rested my head on Taja’s lap. Groaning I sat up and went to the door and pulled it open to reveal Johnny.

“Hey,Christian Louboutin Outlet, Marquise.” I said hugging him

He held me for a little big longer and let go and his smile dropped, “What the fuck happened to your eye?”

Laughing I said, “That sand bitch did it.”

Marquise frowned and I peeked behind him to see Alex in the car staring down, “Hey are you in a rush or something?”

Marquise looked over his shoulder at Alex, “Naw. Alex’s been drinking too much lately so he’s kind of fidgety. Plus I got all the time for you in the world.” He said kissing my cheek

That’s when I knew I had to give Marquise Garcia a chance.

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