
Coach Outlet StoreMan upside down 90 seconds to write nine words positive and negative ( Figure )

introduced ,[url=http://www.coachbagsu.com/]Coach Outlet Store[/url], according to Yan Yuhua , September 11 ,[url=http://www.coachbagsu.com/]Coach Outlet Store[/url], he went to Macau , took part in a cruise on the Guinness Book of Records challenge activities . There were a dozen people participated in the challenge , but only including Yan Yuhua , including three successful challenge .

newspaper head Jiaozuo News wood body upside down , within 90 seconds , write down the pros and cons 9 Getting to Know the word , Jiaozuo public Yan Yuhua it is with this hands unique skills to break the Guinness Book of world Records .

□ correspondent correspondent Ji Yanan Guo Zhangxiu text / map

Yuhua Yan , 41 , has 20 years practice inverted , upside down every day for an hour. At first Yan Yuhua just try the upside down when reading,[url=http://www.coachbagsu.com/]Coach Outlet Store[/url], reading the newspaper , and later began practicing handstands when writing and painting .

yesterday , Yan Yuhua at home , I saw him upside down in a special metal framework on the left hand akimbo , right hand hold a pen . 30 seconds later , a inverted Yan Yuhua then again in The audience are all amazing .

Wooden head Yan Yuhua body upside down , within 90 seconds , write down the pros and cons of 9 Getting to Know the word
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