
Dr Dre HeadphonesCandidates informed through the official website said the school system get the job

, find out who can not find, the guard told them that the school summer holidays. They removed the admissions office to find a teacher, it was explained, is to check the system out of the error.

art school has different rules on the admission of other institutions. Participate in cultural studies in the college entrance exam that is before, candidates must pass the professional exam, otherwise not eligible for voluntary reporting. Moreover, the candidates cultural studies and professional achievements are qualified, according to cultural studies admission, professional results can be also admitted, or cultural, professional results each taking a certain percentage.

Tianjin Conservatory of Music Admissions Office of the Chief of the China Youth Daily in Juan told reporters that the school continue to accept the candidates before the telephone consultation, both inform each other on July 15 after admission results can be found. July 14, the school official website of the

which is July 14, 2011 afternoon,

two girls are cultural studies of line. In the entrance, Zhang Jingyi exam, 372 points, including 63 points in English, and even Snow Princess exam 302 points, including 74 points in English.

from art colleges admission day, Zhang Jingyi staring Tianjin Conservatory of Music on the official website, almost A week later (July 14, noon), the site of her Almost the same time, thousands of miles away test number She screamed with excitement.

According to Juan, from the practical point of view, the candidates up to the test center in Tianjin, the overall level is higher than the field test sites. The test sites of the judges back to school after the joint meeting to study, to determine which test sites how many certificate issued. Candidates who received the certificate can also participate in the testing of other institutions, may apply to give up in the entrance of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, the need to consider when issuing the certificate the College Entrance Examination wastage.

long-awaited results of the arrival of this day, Chang plans However, the joy in the end before sunset. Guangdong was the joy of the family continued for two days, July 16, they check again, by the same family with the Heilongjiang hit that ... ...

from art colleges admission day, Zhang Jingyi staring Tianjin Conservatory of Music on the official website, almost A week later, her site

However, the two families could not be found from public sources enmesh their professional piece of score. They suspect that, in the July 14 day, has clearly found to be admitted, then fall, there may be ulterior recruitment

the fate of two girls opened with a joke

This summer, 18-year-old Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, and 19-year-old candidates Zhang Jingyi, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, to take the exam candidates with Snow Princess, all candidates of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music.

long-awaited results of the arrival of this day, Chang plans However, the joy in the end before sunset. In the afternoon,

the reporter on July 25 at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music Web site to see this notice, then the page shows the release date is July 21. A few days later, the reporter re-open this notice, that release date has been changed to

sorry we can not put the queries of the candidates was recorded in.

This is a screenshot of

However, the Ministry of Education released Admissions said: . Both in the Tianjin Conservatory of Music or other music institutions on the website, only to see the

coincidentally,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url], Zhang Jingyi Zhang Linqing also under the command of his father, save the query results page for the picture. Because

with Chi Hing do not think this is a

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you dare to publish your List? Beats higher than I, I

candidates with the fate of two girls opened with a joke - this summer, 18-year-old students in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, Zhang Jingyi and 19-year-old students in Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, to take the exam even Snow Princess all candidates of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music.

2011, the Tianjin Conservatory of Music in Tianjin, Hunan, Gansu, Henan has set up four specialized test sites. Year, apply for professional piano vocal with snow Princess and apply their professional Zhang Jingyi exam test sites in Hunan and Tianjin, respectively, test of 86.12 points and 74.20 points, followed by specialized courses to obtain a certificate issued by the school, which means that they can fill the entrance the school.

in completing the volunteer, even the snow and the Princess found on the Internet according to their other candidates specialized results to determine if they belong to the upper level, estimates reach as long as the college entrance examination score line, it will not be eliminated. She said that if the admission was aware of only one test center in Hunan, he will not apply. Why not advance the school announced this plan?

Tianjin Conservatory of Music in 2011 under the designation of cultural studies, the lowest score, vocal lines require a minimum 240 points, including English minimum 38 points; piano department requires a minimum 240 points,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url], including English, a minimum of 40 points. Classes of lines in culture, based on the

The Snow Princess, and others made with the publication of the list of admission requirements and professional scores on Juan said, One reason is that not the same level each year, there is no reference value for the candidates.

even Snow Princess would like to know their candidates Tianjin Conservatory of Music in piano in the national ranking of all candidates. And in Juan told reporters, because different judges in different test sites, and test scoring subjective nature and art, so different between the test center test scores are not comparable, the final results can not be put together out of the ratio. Even if there are other test sites of the candidates to be admitted but professional scores below her,

Zhang Linqing said he wanted to ask this time, look at each candidate's true performance. as good as others, I am what is not said, can only recognize the. I candidly admit defeat.

in Juan said that in the Tianjin Conservatory of Music this year, more than 770 students enrolled in piano than 30 people, only the first test sites in Hunan in the field test sites were eventually admitted.

they want to know,

far in Guangdong, even also called Chi-hing of the problem. He said the school a responsible person on duty, that the query window was not a college admission query window, found the previous pass in specialized courses at the results.

family in Guangdong that some of the joy last longer. Two days later, on July 16 night, they check again by the family with the same blow in Heilongjiang.

this, in the Juan explained that the notice is actually issued July 14,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url], July 21, but the staff made on the site has nothing to do with another notice, are not careful so that the date of the notice were changed on July 21. Later, aware of this problem, the school in turn dates back to July 14.

almost the same time, thousands of miles away test number She screamed with excitement. Chi Hing father even cut down a computer the page - each daughter query results like the time he cut a figure, but did not expect this 12:46:03 pictures under the cut, would become .

the Ministry of Education set up to allow independent undergraduate art college art undergraduate, you can not plan the preparation of sub-provinces of professional recruitment. Tianjin Conservatory of Music will not be assigned to the provincial administrative enrollment plan, therefore, even the Snow Princess is not a competitive admissions candidates with the province, but together with the national ranking candidates to accept the selection.

Candidates did not think at this time there will be inquiries, forget to turn off the front page, the window query interface into the admission system, but has not yet had time to update the background list, the database is still a few months ago for candidates specialized query results database. Happened that at that time was to check.

the Ministry of Education, the number of issued certificates Zhang certificate. Juan said in Tianjin Conservatory of Music is basically paid in accordance with the ratio of 1.5:1. Piano in Hunan issued a total of four test sites certificate, even Snow Princess's results came in third place, after the college entrance examination, test center in Hunan were second and fourth applicants, taking first place in Tianjin Conservatory of Music.

this, in the Juan explained, specific to the test center's enrollment plan and no one can predict in advance because of the need based application of the test sites and the entrance of the college entrance examination scores to determine. If the test sites was announced that Hunan is only taking a piano man,

these two candidates as common as ants have enough courage to withstand the blow get the job, it is difficult to accept this shining reality: Under the existing rules of the game, from beginning to end, they have no way of before his admission that a few places, we are unable to know how many competitors around,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url], and what their own in this competition in what position.

look, even the Snow Princess and Zhang Jingyi only accept the final result. Fate was opened after an unpleasant joke, they had to return to their track. Even Snow Princess decided to repeat a year, Mingnianzaikao. Zhang Jingyi fortunate than her to another volunteer was enrolled at a university in Harbin. But the family remained in Tianjin, like face to face to discuss a clear view. As long as schools do not publish the list of professional admission line and admitted that they hardly believe he is really as good as others.

national institutions do not publish professional music scores

Later, she consulted with snow to the Princess a detailed answer, relevant staff have also been criticized.

the family immediately,

Guangdong Provincial Education Examination with snow to a written reply, said Fei, the understanding of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, 2011 the results of official inquiries College Admission time for July 15, after the database is still the course test data,

Moreover, the school informed in advance the exact time of the query.

Tianjin Conservatory of Music is an independent set in 31 undergraduate colleges of arts,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url], according to the Ministry of Education, can be self-designated professional school admission score, and cultural control scores.

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