
UGG OutletMale teachers send home a friend stabbed to death by her ex-husband

■ Reporters high Everbright / reports

News newspaper Tonghua am on July 1 , Green Park District residents Meihekou permanent library history , suspected his ex-wife Juan (a pseudonym ) and others have not While the relationship , his ex-wife will send home a strange man was stabbed to death ,Moncler UK, the ex-wife fatally stabbed . Then turn the history of Wing library fatally stabbed his former father , mother stabbed the former minor injuries .

It is understood that early morning of July 1 , never in the history of the library during the frenzied attack , his ex-wife 's father,UGG Outlet, Juan is very serious injuries , is still Meihekou Aimin Hospital intensive care unit for emergency treatment the treatment . Doctors, Juan 's father, a stab wound to the head and body very much, doctors have been unable to statistics the number of specific wound . At present, although slightly better condition than the time of admission ,Moncler Shop, but it still needs further observation and treatment received .

Juan and their parents about what happened , a lot of friends and relatives feel they are wronged . Friends and relatives that Juan has never libraries and the history of divorce over the past year , libraries have no right to interfere in the history of John Juan 's personal life , we should not make such an extreme thing. In addition , some of Juan 's friends also said that to their knowledge, Juan does not exist with the victim the night of improper relationship between men and women , just ordinary friends only.

Yesterday , reporter learned that night to send home to middle-aged man, Juan Yim , 40 -year-old , fifth in the high school as the headmaster Meihekou . According to the person familiar with Yim , Yim high standard of teaching has brought out so many good students. At work , Yim very dedicated, harmonious relationship with colleagues . Yim's friends said their personal behavior are appropriate , in the eyes of friends , Yim has a very happy family , his wife is also engaged in educational work , their relationship is also very good . According to his friends to understand , Yim did not indecent behavior , so the friends that night of the incident was a misunderstanding of the history of permanent library that has caused such a tragedy.

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