
Moncler VestA late-night fire burned two men were executed three

Core Tip: with noodles rolled in a market to do business, because of the jealousy of others than their own business well, taking beatings and other means of intimidation, the night will end up in a family of three business rival burned alive. Yesterday morning, Bengbu Intermediate People's Court in accordance with Supreme People's Court issued the execution order, the principal cases of this vicious Ogawa, Xiaopeng positively identified, and injecting its execution.

intern Ma Chi Chen Liming Hu Xuan Son Reporters He Shuguang

incident a family of three died in the fire

in at 0:20 on December 10th or so, living in Anhui Golden Trade Zone No. 7 Wuhe window dressing room upstairs Yuan old man in his sleep, suddenly awakened daughter tragic cry for help, he got up, he discovered facade own room downstairs smoke billowing smoke, the gap volume gate constantly emitting flames.

crack lung cries alerted a nearby shop owners, we came to the scene, Yuan old man in the crowd with the help of the final volume with a wooden gate on the punched a hole. When the old man forced open the gate volume Yuan, has been to see their daughter fell from the attic, the room is full of fire ... ...

then rushed to the scene of the fire brigade fire gun positions set up for emergency fire fighting. Unfortunately when the fire extinguished, this house has been burnt beyond recognition facade, the store a young couple and a newly born baby has died on the spot, live miserable.

Police identified the deceased a family of three Department of Yunyang County, Chongqing City, Xiaoyun 22-year-old husband, wife, small British 20-year-old daughter was born six months.

investigation: the case alerted the Ministry of Public Security

this really come from the fire; is purely accidental or arson; who is brewing up this human tragedy?

cases caused by Anhui Province, Bengbu City, Wuhe public security departments attach great importance, and even alerted the Ministry of Public Security. Anhui fire brigade deployed elite forces to set up special fire investigation task force, within the shortest time required to identify the cause of the fire, a cause of the fire and weave around the French under the rapid cast of the ... ...

12 月10 morning, the fire immediately on the scene of the fire investigators conducted a comprehensive inspection, on-site residues were extracted, and quickly sent to the Identification Center of Tianjin fire technical identification of the material. After identification, the extracted sample residues were detected in ground gasoline composition, the store also marks the second short-circuit wire melting melt marks. Fire investigators comprehensive inspection, investigation, based on the exclusion of fire due to electrical short circuit and the other, decisively identified: the case of arson.

is robbing? Or vendetta? Xiaoyun just a noodle processing of small businessmen, they did not how much money money. If the killings, who offended them in the end? Why arson suspect a family of three people will be burned alive?

reasons: business competition incite hatred

in determining the fires is arson, the Wuhe County Public Security Bureau immediately set up a task force.

gradually, because the case surfaced. It turned out that even tragedy noodle processing business due to the competition.

A cloud family came in November 2007 Wuhe Golden Trade Park rental noodle processing business. He noodle processing quality, taste good, young man work very hard, then get up at 5 o'clock every day to send each customer noodles. Golden Trade Zone near the other owners and people who are reflecting a very real A cloud is a kind of honest businessmen.

A cloud processing of noodles in a small workshop located near the Five Rivers, April 2008, Ogawa came Wuhe noodle processing business. A cloud from the pasta shop workshop 1.78 meters, but the business has been sluggish, he put all the blame on A cloud, so think of ways to squeeze out the

in later days, Ogawa numerous experiences of finding their relatives and students shop for A cloud of harassment, much a Once, Ogawa found two friends, A cloud to intercept them get beat the way the noodles. A cloud just do not want to give up the business of operating together, in the face of hegemonic Ogawa has been silence and fear in a person operates in his own noodle processing business.

2008 in June, A Cloud's wife produced a baby girl, named little good. Child is born, A cloud came his father Yuan old man from his home to help care for children. A Yunfu wife originally lived on the second floor, the father came,UGG Boots Sale, in order to allow the elderly Zhude Hao point, he vacated the room upstairs to his father lived, his wife and daughter live in a dressing room with a loft.

did not expect a premeditated arson so that everything is reduced to ashes ... ...

shock: $ 10 and gasoline destroyed a

Ogawa A thorn in the cloud as always. A few days before the incident, Ogawa again called working in Shenzhen, far Xiaopeng, please Xiaopeng, Xiaopeng is a distant cousin Ogawa, born in March 1988, only six months than the large Ogawa, junior middle school education, the village famous

Xiaopeng Ogawa received the phone later, on December 7, arrived by train from Shenzhen Wuhe. Two were plotted, it was decided to use gasoline burned A cloud of shops, Ogawa gave Xiaopeng 60 dollars for the purchase of gasoline.

12 9 pm, Xiaopeng in a nearby gas station to buy a tank of gas back to the hotel.

10 around midnight, Xiaopeng came A cloud processing noodles dressing rooms, the ready room volume of gasoline along the facade cracks down inside the gate, with a lighter ignited gasoline after they return to hotel bed.

fire get tired, sleep in a small attic room on the facade of a family of three did run away A cloud, a fire burned alive.

morning, Ogawa that situation, he immediately call the Xiaopeng, and rushed to the hotel and handed Xiaopeng 200 yuan

trace: arson culprits arrested Hefei

face police investigation and interrogation, Ogawa extremely cunning, and always hide the truth, Xiaopeng also disappeared.

eventually, after various efforts and technological detection means, a few days later, the case finally had a breakthrough, Five Rivers Xiaopeng police found the suspect appeared in Hefei, Hefei night went to the police task force, a hotel near the railway station in Hefei,Moncler Coats, will have bought tickets ready within fled Wenzhou Xiao-Peng captured.

police investigators the night in the hostel in the trial of Xiaopeng, Xiao-Peng finally confessed to the crime of their own.

Xiaopeng was arrested, the Ogawa can no longer resist, also explained the whole process of crime.

2008 å¹´ 12 21, Xiaopeng in the Five Rivers police escort, arrived Wuhe Golden Trade Zone No. 7 dressing rooms on-site identification, are in line with the facts, so far, a tragic arson In the case of the mystery.

Ogawa: I am sorry, sorry daughter

Bengbu Intermediate People's Court Wuhe gold trade in the market garden of arson causing death of a first instance verdict, sentenced Wang Fengchuan, Wang Peng death, deprived of political rights for life, while compensation for the parents 751,710 yuan of economic losses; is 21 years old with Ogawa and Xiaopeng expressed regret the move.

court after the verdict, Ogawa when he said in an interview with reporters, he wanted his only daughter, I'm sorry her daughter, she is so small.

in a letter to parents he wrote, , but must not let her bad habits. , and gave you a 'murderer' parents infamy, with the exception that I'm sorry,Moncler Vest, I do not know what to say and what to do, just want to do anything about the. Related articles:

