
Beats By Dre HeadphonesBlow overpage about the topic

Blow overpage about the topic ,today we talk about how to navigate between pages is ,in most cases ,5 Fingers Shoes,our application not only one page ,there will be N ,as we do with that we should develop the desktop ,an application may be more than one form ( very simple program exception) ,we want to handle form between switching ;similarly ,Vibram Sale,in the Web development time ,our Web application may have more than one page ,we want to handle page switching between .
Of course ,in our mobile phone applications, also need this operation ,which we call navigation ,as a developer, we all control page switching between ,say so, we also when the App general general .
Create a new WP application project ,on the main page on a HyperlinkButton control ,the NavigateUri & # 20540 ;set / pageSecond.xaml ,and then create a new page ,named pageSecond.xaml .
< ;HyperlinkButton Content = " ;jump to page two " ;Height = " ;78" ;HorizontalAlignment = " ;Left" ;Margin = " ;126, 86, 0, 0" ;Name = " ;hyperlinkButton1" ;VerticalAlignment = " ;Top" ;Width = " ;216" ;FontSize = " ;32" ;FontStyle = " ;Normal" ;FontStretch = " ;Normal" ;NavigateUri = " ;/ / > pageSecond.
xaml" ;;second navigation method is realized through the code ,such as a button click event .Private void button1_Click ( object sender ,RoutedEventArgs E ) {this.NavigationService.
Navigate ( New Uri ( " ;pageSecond.xaml" ,Beats By Dre Headphones,UriKind.Relative / ;) ) ;} / / protected override void OnNavigatedFrom left page ( System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs E ) {base.
OnNavigatedFrom ( E ) ;System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ( " ;* * * * * has left home page ." B ;} ) ;in a second page ,add the following code ./ / second navigate to a page protected override void OnNavigatedTo ( System.
Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs E ) {base.OnNavigatedTo ( E ) ;System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ( " ;* * * * * Hi ,has come to second pages ." ;} ) ;then ,you run the program navigation ,have a look output window in it? Three ,how the page transfer parameters .
In Android development,Cheap Beats By Dre, from a Activity to another Activity ,Intent object content delivery ,however ,Dr Dre Headphones,in WP development, we need only as WEB pages in URI in that additional parameter .
Such as :/ Numbb.xaml ?PT1 = aaaa& ;pT2 = ccccc .Now ,we have the example of change ,in the home not to put a TextBox ,we want to put this page in the input content is delivered to the second page .
Private void button1_Click ( object sender ,RoutedEventArgs E ) {this.NavigationService.Navigate ( new ( " ;Uri / pageSecond.xaml ?STR = " ;textBox1.Text ,UriKind.Relative ) ) ;} second pages out of data .
In second pages to extract data ./ / second navigate to a page protected override void OnNavigatedTo ( System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs E ) {base.OnNavigatedTo ( E ) ;/ / transmission parameter name ,here by what name to take .
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