
UGG Classic Lawyer accused of bribing the judge repeatedly asked the parties to


■ lawyers before and after my sister had sent him 10,000 yuan worth of things, including two luxury cigarettes, two bottles of State 1573, the four upper Yunnan Pu'er tea cake, six cans of the finest Tieguanyin .

■ He said the judge's position uncertain, give the judge to send 2 million dollars.

■ He said that at least 3 million, if to the Provincial Medical Association, did not get down seven or eight million.

focal parent complaints

lawyer rejects

■ is two Hongjinlong cigarettes, two bottles of wine, some tea, add up the value does not exceed 2,000 dollars, this is just a normal human contact.

■ did not said to the judge to focus meaning to send 20,000 yuan of money then. Only casually, simply said, the attitude of judges is very important, if not worry, you can go to a judge to buy him a cigarette pumping pumping.

■ mainly repeatedly begged me to help his sister dot, I finally agreed, Jiao Yi was also expressed willingness to pay, because of the sensibilities I had agreed to help him try. In fact, the medical people will find what I was did not mind the number.

2009 年 12 月 13 日 16:00 more, Nanjing, Nanjing, Jiao Yi's wife Jiangning District Hospital maternity ward in the production. 18:55 birth to a baby boy, but the baby is choking the state, after the baby was rushed to the hospital emergency Zhongda Hospital,UGG Classic, checked that the baby clavicle fracture, intracranial bleeding. Coke family health care delivery process that improper operation, then help the media, this newspaper on December 23, 2009 as

media intervention, the two sides negotiate the issue of compensation. Coke family asked the hospital to first advance the cost of emergency treatment of newborns, neonatal intracranial hemorrhage after the issue of identification in order to determine responsibility. Jiangning District Hospital that there is no such precedent, refused to advance. Subsequently, the focus of family court lawyer filed a suit to Jiangning, and apply the relevant identification. April 8, 2010, by the identification of Nanjing Medical Association to form tertiary level medical malpractice, primary responsibility Jiangning District Hospital.

4 months, the government instructed Jiangning District mediation centers involved in the mediation. In mid-May, the two sides reached a settlement. Thus, concern Jiangning

Jiangning concern late last year, However, storm sudden, the day before yesterday, focus on the parent post, said in Longhu: he hired a lawyer received a fee of $ 4 million and 1 million yuan gift, is not responsible investigators, have repeatedly encouraged them to the Medical Association and the judge bribery; private settlement with the hospital after his lawyers did not contribute. Based on this, he requested a refund, but was refused.

reporter learned that a lawyer called the complaint Jinbao, Jian Kang Law Office of Jiangsu, Nanjing, Bar Association also. So, the father said coke true? Jinbao interview with reporters, acknowledged that the words and deeds is not quite proper, but said it was only upon the request of the proposed money. Yesterday afternoon, Nanjing Lawyers Association awards and disciplinary committee meeting to discuss the matter, after, Sun Yong, vice president of Lawyers Association, said each of the facts needed to verify the complaint, once verified will be severely punished.

net post complaints

lawyers are not responsible, but also encourage bribery

after a lapse of five months,

10 13, one entitled Jiao Yi's father, is the focus Jinbao Jiangning District Hospital when his family sued the lawyers engaged.

post with plenty of text and video describing how the money is not Jinbao lawyers act, but also how to focus family gifts required to pay bribes -

find a law firm in Jiangsu Jiankang Jinbao lawyers, Wang Jinbao claiming an authority on this, he promised that help us get justice, said at least get more than 100 million compensation and we believe him, he signed with the commission contract, and pay 500 yuan 40,000 zero-agency fees. who knows he does not responsibility, to which stage of progress of the case do not tell us repeatedly that he only received 40,000 yuan in this case is how to low, and suggested that we send things. My sister sent him around 10,000 yuan worth of things, including two luxury cigarettes, two bottles of State 1573, the four upper Yunnan Pu'er tea cake, six cans of the finest Tieguanyin this gift that he received dedication to help our son will be handling the case, who knows, or ignore, I asked the case to wearies, do not answer the phone. said the judge's position uncertain, give the judge to send twenty thousand dollars, and we did not get the one hand, money, on the other hand we feel that the judge handling the child is sincere, not favoritism. He also told us to Nanjing Medical bribery and secret operations before the case tell us that we hit the bribe money to his account, and we do not trust, but also not so much money, there is no fight. , not to fight a lawsuit,UGG Classic, and asked him to refund part of the legal fees, he refused and threatened us, we reflect on the Lawyers. Video, video, Wang Jinbao sitting in the large office, pointing out how the money focal meaning. Jiao Yi Jiao Yi content of posts to be recognized.

Jiao Yi said he was attracted by the reputation and name of the first Jinbao find his agent, but soon found wrong after payment. Because of fear of being cheated, he said in a conversation secretly filmed video, the process of bribing him Jinbao all shot down. Day, details about how to Jinbao Medical bribery: one four experts to 5,000 yuan Medical Association leadership 1 million. Jiao Yi said he was second thought, did not adopt the views of Jinbao, Wang Jinbao unhappy, not after what happened bassoon case.

identification results came out, meaning to apply for re-identification of coke, Jinbao does not support, but also allow him to accept the conditions of the hospital, even if a take a hundred thousand. Jiao Yi and could no longer trust Jinbao. In May, he reached an agreement directly with the hospital, get the compensation money.

Jinbao because that irregularities exist, and not entirely to the agency obligations, Jiao Yi make refund request. Was refused, he began to Lawyers Association, Bureau of Justice and other units complaints. As of yesterday, there are many media attention to this matter, Nanjing Lawyers Association held a meeting yesterday afternoon also deal with the matter.

Jiao Yi said he was mainly there are two requirements: First refund, the second is to ask the relevant departments of Jinbao punishment. He repeated that the consultation, the king's actions have violated the Justice Department in the case of Li Zhuang just after the introduction of the 122 orders that


meaning whether the facts as stated focus? Reporters interviewed yesterday, lawyers involved Jinbao. Jinbao said net posts and have seen the video, to reporters, he did not directly deny that there is no explicit recognition, but the discretion of that: he did not communicate with the parties to strictly comply with the relevant processes, but reflects only part of the video fact, the whole thing is actually a novelty.

Jinbao said he was a medical student background, has been acting since joining the medical malpractice litigation, is very rich experience in handling cases. He has always been based on experience and case-handling standards, rather than relationship, they simply can not take the initiative to require the parties to bribery.

The emergence of say side had agreed to help him try. in fact, will be looking for someone to medicine, I was a few did not mind. the sentence, the judge attitude is very important, if not worry, you can go to a judge to buy him a cigarette pumping pumping. Jinbao that this is just casually saying a word, focus justice should not seize the handle

then focus his family $ 10,000 to buy him gifts exist? Jinbao choice but to laugh, that is, two Hongjinlong cigarettes, two bottles of wine, some tea, add up to a value not exceeding 2,000 yuan. He believes this is a normal human contact, although strictly speaking should not be closed; said he could return after the gift. That he did not think that justice requires not only his focus back gifts, but also asked him to withdraw agency fees.

reporter asked whether there Jinbao posts are not described in our money responsibly handling the situation, Wang Jinbao firm said no. He said he is very conscientious in this case, not only personally written pleadings and the identification of materials, and personal appearance of the whole trip. Identification, the court opened a court, including major cases, including the review of relevant evidence, because of his efforts, the risk of side views adopted by the judge as the basis for identification, this identification to obtain a good result. In May, Coke family and the hospital reconciliation, not he did not want to contribute, but the focus of the family has not even notice him, so he did not think they have no due diligence of the Department.

Reporters learned that focus on justice Jinbao complaint has reached more than four months, finally responded yesterday afternoon: Nanjing Lawyers Association, a subsidiary of incentives and disciplinary committee meeting to discuss the matter. From 14:30 to 4:00, after a half-hour discussion, the Committee considered the initial agent Jinbao lawyers inconclusive.

Nanjing Lawyers Association vice president, rewards and disciplinary Wei Yuanhui Zhurensunyong told reporters, lawyers Lawyers Association for Dang Shiren Tousu strict handling procedures, undertake a survey is generally the first to form a preliminary opinion, and back to by the complainants,UGG Classic, the complainant may apply if there is objection to a hearing after hearing to determine the relevant facts, to finally make the final decision, if the complaint is true, then under fact, the feedback to the complainant. Yesterday's meeting, members complained about the fact that justice is brought into focus, examined the evidence, after discussion that the video evidence was not yet complete, requiring further forensic analysis, combined with both statements, one by one to verify the facts of the complaint before a conclusion .

Sun Yong, said Jiao Yi asked the Justice Department under the Decree 122 Jinbao practicing certificate revocation, which is beyond the capabilities of the Lawyers Association. Because Lawyers Association is the trade association, only to judicial and administrative departments under the Ministry of Justice, No. 122 to the corresponding penalties for lawyers, Lawyers Committee can only be based on rewards and punishments,

Yong Sun introduced the industry's punishment according to the different levels of discipline into fourth gear: admonition, reprimand, public censure, cancellation of membership. Bureau of Justice to revoke the lawyer's practice certificate. Accordingly, if the Commission ordered the parties to the conclusion that there Jinbao bribery, Nanjing Lawyers Association will cancel its membership, and report to the Bureau of Justice revoked the lawyer's practice certificate.

our reporter Chen SS

Baoliao Chow

